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Canola segregation a myth: GM costs all growers a packet

07 December 2015
Revelations in the WA Parliament confirm that GM canola threatenspremium overseas markets. GM-free canola is often co-mingled with GM, to remove the possibility of GM contamination that would destroy GM-free markets. GM-free canola growers are forced to subsidise those few who grow GM. >> download file

Africa rejects Australian GM experiments

11 August 2015
Mariam Mayet, founder and director of the non-profit African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) in Johannesburg South Africa, spoke at The Drill Hall in Melbourne.ACB campaigns to protect Africa's biological diversity, traditional knowledge, seed systems, farming and culture from genetically manipulated (GM) products and industrialised agriculture. >> download file

New Country of Origin Labels (CoOL) will still mislead shoppers

22 July 2015
New CoOL labels are a crowd pleaser designed to take heat off an embattled government. The public were encouraged to vote for a kangaroo CoOL label system that is ambiguous, confusing and misleading. >> download file

Country of Origin Labels will still mislead shoppers

21 July 2015
New Country of Origin Labels (CoOL) will still mislead shoppers. They are a crowd pleaser designed to take heat off an embattledgovernment. >> download file

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