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Major parties silent on Genetic Manipulation in the Vic Election

01 December 2014
The Nationals, Liberals and ALP were all policy-free zones on genetically manipulated (GM) crops and foods in the 2014 state election. >> download file

GM Wheat and Barley "trials" - not worth the risk

05 August 2014
Australia's paddocks are being used for a risky GM experiment. The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) announced on 4th August that GM wheat and Barley "trials" will be allowed at 5 locations in South Australia and Western Australia, for the next five years. >> download file

Seralini Roundup & GM maize toxicity study re-published

25 June 2014
The long term Seralini experiments which found rats are harmed by Roundup and GM maize has been vindicated. It is republished today in the Journal “Environmental Sciences Europe”, published by the Springer Group."Today's republication of the Seralini study is a vindication of sound independent science, the scientific method and the system of scientific publication," says Gene Ethics Director Bob Phelps. >> download file

GM-Free Tasmania

09 January 2014
Gene Ethics congratulates the Tasmanian government and the farming community on their 2014 decision to maintain Tasmania as a GM-free Zone indefinitely. >> download file

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