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GM canola grower and critics meet

25 November 2009
GM canola grower and ex-MP Marshall Bailleau is invited to talk to GM critics at a protest meeting in the Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre (Cnr O'Neil Rd and Old Princes Highway, Beaconsfield) at 7.30pm tonight. He is one of three speakers. >> download file

Calls to fully label GM and other novel foods

19 November 2009
Public interest groups, scientists and concerned mothers ask the national food labelling review for comprehensive labelling of food ingredients that have no history of safe use. >> download file

Give back Monsanto’s GM canola growing wild in Victoria

09 November 2009
Gene Ethics’ activists will hand back Monsanto’s Genetically Manipulated (GM) canola to Agricultural Minister Joe Helper and Monsanto at the GM ‘coexistence’ conference being held at Melbourne’s Convention Centre today. The GM canola was found growing wild on roadsides in Victoria and New South Wales and collected by GM Cropwatch. >> download file

GM Canola Growing in Melbourne Suburb

02 November 2009
Gene Ethics' supporters will picket the first confirmed GM canola site in suburban Melbourne, at Berwick at 10am today. The GM crop is growing on property owned by the family of State Opposition leader Ted Baillieu. >> download file

ALP breaks promises on Genetic Manipulation

31 July 2009
Kevin Rudd promised stronger laws on Genetically Manipulated (GM) foods and crops before the last election. Now the ALP's proposed platform would break Rudd's promises and dilute existing ALP policy. >> download file

Brumby sells out to Dow Chemical

17 June 2009
Innovation Minister Gavin Jennings signed a public private partnership (PPP) with Dow AgroSciences at the Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO) Genetic Manipulation (GM) trade show promising to develop GM crop plants that yield more but its real aim is to enrich Dow and keep Brumby in power. >> download file

Tasmanian GM Ban Makes Sense

27 May 2009
The Tasmanian Government ban until 2014 on Genetically Manipulated (GM) crops, animals and microbes has the support of all political parties and the community. It is an economic winner for the state >> download file

GM Canola Segregation Lies Unravel

24 April 2009
BULK grain handler GrainCorp will mix Genetically Manipulated (GM) and non-GM canola varieties together from now on. After just one season, the GM industry has scrapped its pretence that GM and non-GM canola can and will be segregated. >> download file

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