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Premier sows the seeds of destruction

03 December 2007
Premiers John Brumby and Morris Iemma are trashing Australia’s GM-free advantage, by allowing the state’s GM canola bans to expire. >> download file

Federal Labor's policy on GM crops and foods

23 November 2007
Just a day before the election, the Labor Party joined the Greens and Democrats by promising tougher labelling laws on genetically manipulated (GM) foods. >> download file

Coles responds to its customers' GM food concerns

22 November 2007
Supermarket giant Coles has joined industry leaders in speaking out against genetically engineered (GE) food, as the Victorian Government looks set to announce the lifting of their ban on the commercial growing of GE food crops. >> download file

Genetic Manipulation - a nation in conflict

15 November 2007
The political parties are polarised on Genetically Manipulated (GM) crops and foods according to Gene Ethic’s scorecard of party policies. >> download file

GM horse flu vaccine fast tracked

01 October 2007
Genetically Manipulated (GM) horse flu vaccines were secretly assessed and approved in just 3 days instead of the normal 170 days >> download file

Howard Government GM canola push doomed

13 August 2007
The Howard government's latest report on genetically manipulated (GM) crops is yet another doomed bid for re-election >> download file

Government Push Polls on GM crops and foods

23 July 2007
The Australian government push-polled Australians on genetically manipulated (GM) crops and foods to dishonestly inflate support for GM in its latest survey >> download file

Dairy farmers GM decision ill-informed

19 June 2007
Victoria's ban on commercial genetically manipulated (GM) canola is still set to be extended, despite one dairy group today withdrawing support >> download file

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